Category: Political Philosophy

  • ‘THE POLITICAL SHIP’: The Complications in Ideological Categorising of Political Thought

    ‘THE POLITICAL SHIP’: The Complications in Ideological Categorising of Political Thought

    This article argues that political ideologies are constantly in flux throughout time. It espouses the view that: to truly understand a political philosophy we have to be specific about what it is beyond the broad terms of ‘Liberalism’ and ‘Conservatism’, which have developed in many directions.



    This essay argues that is is impossible to have true ‘free will’ and be free from external sources of influence. It argues that it is vital to be aware of this and look to understanding why we think the way we do.

  • DEMOCRACY IS PLURAL : The Difficulty with Democracy

    DEMOCRACY IS PLURAL : The Difficulty with Democracy

    This essay argues that democracy is a debatable and undefinable concept. The essay asserts that, given this nature, it is not a solid enough marker for fairness and clear-cut answers within society.

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