I am an all A* student, now in second year at University. I tutor from GCSE to A Level in English, History, Drama or Classical Civilisation. I help my students achieve top grades.

Study technique

Helping you acquire good study technique. Don’t waste your precious efforts.

Essay writing

I will teach you how to write winning essays to secure those top grades.

Subject deep dive

Helping you develop a deep knowledge and interest in your subject.

Revision planning

I make sure that your revisions are planned. Cramming at the end is never the answer.

Knowledge check

We will revise together, ensuring that you have a good grasp of the key elements you need.


I know what you are going through. There are pressures and distractions but I will help you focus.

Access my ready-made study notes

I developed a set of study notes to help my students learn and revise in the most efficient way possible, condensing and highlighting crucial information in easy-to-read format.

I work online using Google Meet, Facetime or Zoom

  • Online lessons
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Easy to set-up – just need broadband

Join my students

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Social Sophistry 2023-2025